Be Gentle With Yourself

Far too often we are critical, judgemental or cruel to ourselves. Negative thinking is harmful to every aspect of our being. It creates negative thought patterns which hinder us from seeing our true selves, from living in the light. It creates negative energy which pools in our cells and like stress, damages those cells. Breaking those negative thought patterns can free you. When you find yourself being critical or hard on yourself or others,  gently remind yourself to release the negativity, it does not serve you. Release the negativity, it does not serve you.  

Change the conversation with yourself. Appreciate your unique individuality, your unique beauty. There is only one you and you are beautiful. Take time for yourself everyday. You can not be the best version of yourself unless you take care of yourself. You can not be the best partner you can be, the best parent you can be, the best at what you do for a living, you can not give of yourself without first making sure that you are caring for yourself. Listen to your body, if you are tired, rest. Listen to your heart, your soul, your own intuition. This is the heart of holistic health; getting to know, addressing and caring for your mind, body and soul. You will be amazed at how your life will change when you simply, love yourself. 


Live Your Life With Love,
